Directives for the Bay of Quinte by-elections
When a by-election or general election is called, the Chief Electoral Officer publishes the Notice of Election, mobile voting locations, and directives. Directives are published to give electors, political parties, and candidates notice of modifications made to processes as described in the Election Act. Modifications to voting processes are made to fulfill our mission to uphold the integrity and accessibility of the electoral process and to manage elections in an efficient, fair and impartial manner.
Directive - Absentee Register.pdf
Directive - ePoll Books + VoterView + eSignature.pdf
Directive - Eliminating the Certificate to Vote.pdf
Directive - Mobile Polls.pdf
Directive - Home Visit Pilot By-Election.pdf
Directive - Use of Vote Counting Equipment and AVT.pdf
Directive - Early counting of Special Ballots.pdf
Directive - Special Ballot.pdf
Directive - Advance Polls at the Returning Office.pdf